EEI is Presented ACEC Award

EEI is Presented ACEC Award

10-year Roadway Improvement Plan

We are pleased to report that the Village of Hampshire and Engineering Enterprises, Inc. were presented the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois Engineering Excellence Merit Award on February 3, 2006. The award was presented for the Transportation Planning and Roadway Improvement Study, Village of Hampshire.

The Village of Hampshire took a proactive approach in dealing with rapidly expanding development and the resultant needs of the area transportation system. The study lays the groundwork for the Village of Hampshire`s transportation system needs for the next ten years and provides a mechanism for the funding of needed improvements.

Engineering Enterprises, Inc. performed a detailed analysis projecting transportation demands, determining the level of improvements needed, estimating the cost of such improvements and developing a cost sharing proposal for the stakeholders utilizing a facilities-based cost approach.

The study recommendations were well received, as the planning effort will provide a tool to manage transportation growth at no cost to the general public. Improvement recommendations, totaling $25,963,100, will be allocated among IDOT, KDOT and local developers.

The early planning and coordination, coupled with stipulations in the annexation agreements in anticipation of the future transportation facility needs along with the implementation of improvements in advance of their needs, created a very positive public image and response.