Jeff Freeman was awarded the Thurston E. Larson Best Paper Award for the second time

Jeff Freeman was awarded the Thurston E. Larson Best Paper Award for the second time

March 14, 2007 – Jeffrey W. Freeman, P.E., Vice President, Engineering Enterprises, Inc. was honored at the 98th Annual American Water Works Association, Illinois Section Conference held recently in Springfield, Illinois where he was awarded the Thurston E. Larson Best Paper Award for the second time.

His presentation, Water Conservation Ordinances, What Are They and Do They Work? was chosen by audience vote from among approximately 50 technical presentations that were made at the ISAWWA 2006 conference.

Each year ISAWWA members present technical papers on topics of interest to those in attendance at the conference. Attendees then vote on the presentation they feel was the best from the standpoint of delivery, clarity, usefulness, timeliness and completeness. The following year the award is presented to the winner.

Jeff’s presentation addressed the concerns of rising water demands and sustainable sources of supply and outlined common themes from water conservation ordinances that have been established in many Northeastern Illinois communities.

The presentation provided a summary discussion of the high population growth rates in Northeastern Illinois communities that cause water works systems to battle to meet peak water demands. Water conservation ordinances provide a useful tool for managing peak water demands within water works systems and call on each water consumer to remember that water is not an unlimited resource.

By activating one’s sense of natural resource awareness, most residents will understand their responsibility in helping to manage their community’s water supply. This will ultimately allow the continued use of relatively inexpensive groundwater resources, stay the need to increase the size of water facilities and delay the need for increased water rates.

Freeman was the recipient of the 2004 Thurston E. Larson Best Paper Award in 2005 for his presentation entitled Planning, Design, Vulnerability Assessment and Construction.