EEI Brings Engineering to Krug Elementary School

National Engineers Week otherwise known as E-Week is a time to bring engineering to life and to the public eye so that people are aware of how engineering changes the world around us on an everyday basis.
Working with the Principal, Noah Little and the two fifth grade teachers, Ms. Carolyn Frer and Ms. Alison Kossack of Krug Elementary School EEI was able to bring engineering to life for about 40 fifth graders during E-week. EEI introduced and hosted the “Don’t Lose Your Marbles” Competition.
The challenge that was given to the students was to work within their assigned teams to utilize the supplies given to them to design a freestanding structure on which their marble would travel. The students were given six drinking straws, 10 Q-tips, six index cards, 1/2 stick of modeling clay, 12 inches of masking tape, one small paper cup, one marble, scissors and one piece of foam board. On competition day the students rolled five marbles down their structures into the paper cup. Students were awarded points based off of height of their structure, number of 90 degree angles/turns and successful completion of the marble rolling all the way down the track into the cup at the end.
Several EEI Staff members were on-site to introduce and assist with the design and building of their structures on Tues., Feb. 9th and Tues., Feb. 23rd. The final competition was held on Thurs., Feb. 25th. Two honorary judges were present for the final day of competition; Village of Montgomery President, Matt Brolley and State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia.
First, second and third place medals were given to the teams that scored the most points. In addition, the first place winners will have their name engraved on a plaque that will be hung in the school.
Noah stated “I am very thankful for the opportunity our students were provided. Our students were so excited from the get go and to be able to expose them to more science and engineering opportunities will only increase their knowledge and expand their thinking about how they can apply what they are learning to future learning. I look forward to our continued partnership in the coming years.”