EEI Promotes Several Staff Members
Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI) is proud to announce the promotion of three longtime staff members. These three individuals exemplify EEI’s Corporate Values through their actions when working with our clients and other EEI staff. According to Brad Sanderson, P.E., Vice President, “All three have surpassed our expectations that have been set for them and are well deserving of the promotions.”

Julie A. Morrison
Julie A. Morrison, P.E., celebrating her 16th year with EEI, has been promoted to a Senior Project Manager. She has excelled as a Project Manager for several years by consistently meeting project budgets, schedules and the needs of our clients. She has handled several complex and significant projects for a variety of our clients and they continually ask for her by name. Julie is currently the Chairman for the American Public Works Association – Fox Valley Branch, Awards Committee.

Michele L. Piotrowski
Michele L. Piotrowski, P.E., LEED AP, celebrating her 14th year with EEI, has been promoted to a Senior Project Manager. As a Project Manager for several years prior she has taken on several challenging projects and has had continued success with them. She is responsible for leading many special complex studies involving distribution analysis and modeling and water works system analysis. Michele is also active in the Illinois Section American Water Works Association by serving on several committees, speaking at annual conferences and teaching classes.

Josh M. Boatman
Josh M. Boatman, celebrating his 16th year with EEI, has been promoted to a Senior Project Technician II. He is heavily involved in our day-to-day field and office activities for our Land Surveying Group.