List of all EEI Lead Infographics
Important Lead and Copper Rule Reminders (Released December 2024)
This infographic highlights key reminders regarding the LCRR and LCRI.
Lead and Copper Sampling Under LCRR (Released October 2024)
This infographic summarizes the changes to lead and copper sampling under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). The LCRR compliance date is October 16, 2024. All water systems will be required to submit an updated Sample Site Plan by the end of 2024. All systems with lead or galvanized service lines requiring replacement will be switched to six-month monitoring starting January 1, 2025.
LSLR Construction Process (Released August 2024)
This infographic summarizes the Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) construction process. This infographic can be utilized to inform stakeholders in advance of upcoming LSLR projects.
LSLR Funding Sources (Revised May 2024)
This infographic, originally released September 2021, summarizes the key requirements and the process for submitting a Lead Service Line Replacement Project Plan to secure funding through the Illinois EPA State Revolving Fund (SRF). The infographic has been updated to reflect the latest known funding sources.
Managing LSLR Construction (Released November 2023)
This infographic highlights the coordination and communication needed during lead service line replacement construction. It identifies stakeholder communication tools, the work items that should be considered before construction begins, and the oversight and documentation needed for a successful replacement project.
Creating a LSLR Design Policy Infographic (Released July 2023)
Before implementing a lead service line replacement program, communities should finalize a policy that outlines all considerations before going out to bid. This infographic explains different considerations when creating a design policy for their community.
Water Filter Requirements-Infographic (Released May 2023)
Research suggests partial lead service line replacements (LSLR), and in some cases, full LSLR, can result in elevated levels of lead in drinking water. This infographic explains the filter requirements that will soon be required during partial LSLR.
Funding Policy Menu-Infographic (Released April 2023)
Before implementing a lead service line replacement program, communities should finalize a policy that outlines the financial responsibilities for both the municipality and the property owner. This infographic explains different considerations when creating a funding policy for their community.
Construction Methods-Infographic (Released December 2022)
There are currently three main construction methods being used for lead service line replacements. This infographic explains each method along with its pros and cons.
Material Inventory Home Assessment Survey (Released October 2022)
Home Assessment surveys are often the final step of the Material Inventory process and can also collect valuable information for the LSLR design process. This infographic shows the many options for customizing a community’s survey.
Material Inventory Resident Survey (Released October 2022)
Resident Surveys can be a useful tool for gathering information for your Water Service Line Material Inventory required under Public Act 102-0613. This infographic provides an overview of how the survey can be customized to meet a community’s needs.
IDPH Water/Sewer Service Separation Variance (Released August 2022)
This infographic displays a checklist for compliance with the latest IDPH variance for water and sewer service separation.
LSLR Scenarios (Released April 2022)
This two-page infographic summarizes the steps required under the IL Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act for each possible LSLR scenario: emergency repair, planned watermain replacement, customer-initiated, and federally or IEPA funded LSLR.
LSLR Plan (Released November 2021)
Summarizes the Lead Service Line Replacement Plan requirements under the Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act.
Material Inventory (Released October 2021)
Summarizes the Material Inventory requirements under the Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act.
No Partial LSLR (Released August 2021)
Starting January 2022, communities will no longer be able to conduct partial lead service line replacements. This infographic outlines the steps necessary for compliance with full LSLR.
Roadmap to Compliance (Released July 2021)
Summary of milestones and key dates for compliance with the Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act.
IL Lead Service Line Replacement & Notification Act Summary (Released June 2021)
Summary of Illinois HB3739 that has passed the Illinois House and Senate.