EEI PFAS Infographics


List of all EEI PFAS Infographics

PFAS Project Funding (August 2024)
This infographic summarizes the key considerations when pursuing and securing a loan from the Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund for Emerging Contaminants.

JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic.

PFAS Finalized Drinking Water Rule (Released May 2024)
The infographic and white paper highlight the USEPA’s finalized set of national primary drinking water regulations (NPDWR) for six per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as an addition to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).

JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic

White Paper

PFAS Public Communication Strategies (Released February 2024)
This infographic can be utilized as a guideline for water utilities/purveyors when communicating about PFAS to their communities.

JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic

PFAS NPDES Permit Special Conditions (Released December 2023)
The infographic highlights the key requirements related to PFAS sampling, testing, and reporting under the Illinois EPA’s new NPDES permit special conditions.

JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic

PFAS Lifecycle (Released November 2023)
The infographic represents the lifecycle of PFAS chemicals in the environment, with a central focus on the “forever chemicals” path through the water and wastewater treatment process. 

Simplified Version: JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic

Detailed Version: JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic

PFAS Resources

PFAS Regulatory Monitoring Requirements (Released August 2023)
The infographic includes flowcharts to describe the monitoring requirements as proposed in the draft rule.

JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic

PFAS Resources

PFAS Regulatory Timeline Infographic (Released June 2023)
The infographic highlights the past, present, and upcoming steps in the development of the proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.

JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic

Potential PFAS Sources Graphic (Released April 2023)

PFAS Regulatory Monitoring Requirements (Released August 2023)
The infographic includes flowcharts to describe the monitoring requirements as proposed in the draft rule.

JPEG Infographic / PDF Infographic