Lead Service Line Replacement
City of Batavia, Illinois
EEI provided design and construction engineering services for the replacement of 283 lead water services for the Year 1 program (2022-2024) and approximately 350 lead water service lines for the Year 2 program (2024-on-going). Design engineering services included securing IEPA State Revolving Fund financing with terms as noted below. The Year 1 program was completed at no cost to the City due to 100% Principal Forgiveness financing.
Year 1 Total Costs: $4,000,000 (100% Principal Forgiveness)
Year 2 Total Costs: $4,500,000 Zero-Interest-Loan 30-Year Loan
2022 – On-Going
- Design and Construction Engineering Services
- Public Information Meetings and Coordination with Residents
- Prepared and Mailed Flyers to Residents
- Prepared Bid Documents and Bidding Assistance
- Scheduled and Inspected Homes to Determine Type of Service, Meter Location, Basement or Slab Foundation, and Overall Inventory of Existing Conditions
- Installation of 283 (Year 1) and Approximately 350 (Year 2) New Copper Water Services
- Real-Time GIS Tracking of Construction Progress and Tracking of Quantities
- Utilized Field Instruments to Obtain and Record GIS Coordinates for Connections to Water Main and B-Boxes
- Utilized IEPA SRF Financing
Construction Services
Project Experience