Mill Road Reconstruction, Yorkville

Mill Road Reconstruction

United City of Yorkville, Illinois

EEI provided design and construction engineering services for the realignment of 1,000 feet of Mill Road and reconstruction of an additional 3,950 feet of a major arterial roadway within the United City of Yorkville. The project consisted of earth excavation, pavement removal and replacement, and installation of new storm sewer. The project required extensive coordination with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad and continuous coordination with the traveling public. A detour was in place throughout most of the construction.


$1,789,000 Local Funds


  • Roadway Reconstruction of a Major Arterial Roadway
  • Earth Excavation
  • Pavement Removal and Replacement
    • Aggregate Base
    • Hot-Mix Asphalt
  • 2,000 LF of  New Storm Sewer
  • Extensive Coordination with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad and City Staff
Construction Services

Project Experience