Carriage Crest Recharge Basin Dewatering Well Analysis
City of Batavia, Illinois
EEI provided engineering and modeling services for the assessment of alternatives to address flooding issues in the Carriage Crest area. The work included coordination and assessment of a resident flooding survey, analysis of geotechnical and groundwater conditions, modeling of existing conditions and proposed alternatives for dewatering well and Fox River outfall, cost estimates, development of recommendations and final report.
- Resident Survey
- Soil Borings and Initial Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Conditions
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis of Existing Storm Sewer and Recharge Basin Conditions
- Worked Closely with City Staff to Develop Alternatives and Recommendations
- Modeling of Pumped Alternative and Development of Pump Sizing and Force Main Alternatives
- Modeling and Development of Fox River Outfall Alternative
- Concept Cost Estimates

Floodplain & Stormwater management
Project Experience