Rehabilitation of Jefferson Street Lift Station, Montgomery

Devon Excess Flow Lift Station and Force Main

Village of Bartlett, Illinois

EEI provided design and construction engineering services for the new Devon Ave Excess Flow Lift Station and Force Main, which replaced the existing Excess Flow Treatment Facility to convey excess flows to the Village’s main wastewater treatment facility (WWTF). The design included a new wet well structure with above-ground prefabricated valve/meter and electrical/controls buildings, as well as coordination with design for separate interceptor and force main improvements.

Construction also included coordination between the new lift station and interceptor/force main improvements, which were completed under two separate construction contracts. In addition to conveying excess flows, the new lift station serves a dual purpose and also replaces an existing Village lift station, providing regular service to a residential subdivision and conveying flows to an existing interceptor. The wet well is subdivided into two sections with two sets of pumps separated by an overflow dividing wall to provide operational flexibility.




  • Locally Funded
  • Planning, Design, and Construction Engineering Services
  • New Lift Station With Prefabricated Above-Ground Valve and Meter Enclosures, New Pumps: Two (2) 600 GPM Pumps (30 HP) and Four (4) 1,300 GPM Pumps (75 HP) for Excess Wet Weather Flows
  • Prefabricated Electrical Building Housing
  • New Electrical Gear and ATS, New VFDs and Controls, and New Onsite Emergency Generator
  • 1,500 Feet of Gravity Sanitary Sewer (8-inch, 15-inch, and 24-inch Diameter)
  • 8,600 Feet of Force Main Sanitary Sewer (16-inch Diameter)
  • 1,050 Feet of Directionally Drilled Force Main Sanitary Sewer (16-inch Diameter)
  • Blow Off Valve and Air Release Valve Design
  • HMA Patching, Surface Removal and Replacement, Curb and Gutter, and Sidewalk Removal and Replacement
  • IEPA, DuDOT, MWRD, ComEd, Kinder Morgan Pipeline, and DuPage County Stormwater Permitting
  • Extensive Coordination with ComEd and Kinder Morgan Pipeline

Project Experience